26 December 2012
2013 Investment Outlook
The only thing I will say about the Investment Outlook for 2013 is a warning. Rather than listen to the countless experts that will volunteer their free advice in the media you should first of all have a good look at their past performance. Checking their track record is no sure way to profits in the future but at least it will help you to weed out the 'Talkers' from the 'Doers'.
Financial Advisers,
18 December 2012
How reliable are Fund Ratings?
When rating analysts at Morningstar give the thumbs up to nearly two-thirds of the funds they review it appears that their firm may be "less fund watchdog, and more fund lap dog." (MarketWatch Annual Lump of Coal Awards). Off-the-Shelf ratings are no substitute for independent advice and evidence that is based on actual investment performance without undue emphasis on 'subjective' judgements.
Investment Funds,
9 December 2012
Advisor conflicts - case study
As instructive article about possible the risks that you face when your financial advisors receive fees or commissions from the providers of financial products that they recommend for your portfolio (Motley Fool)
Conflicts of Interest,
Financial Advisers