"Schroders Personal Wealth gave the example of a client with an investment of £100,000 to illustrate the fees. Their total annual costs will be around 137bps (see table below), or 172bps if they use a Discretionary Fund Manager"
14 November 2019
Fees in an area of Zero Interest Rates
£1,720 smackers for 'advice' - that is 1.72% BEFORE you even make a penny on your £100,000. That is the sad reality in today's Private Banking business. And there is NO GUARANTEE that you will make any money - the fee is payable whether your portfolio has a positive or negative return. Nice money if you can get it! Ask for INDEPENDENT advice before signing on the dotted line!
5 November 2019
Fund of Funds - nice but how much do they cost?
If they charge a separate fee on top of underlying funds you basically pay two people to do a job that one of them should do. Or let them split the fee, which should not be out of line with the regular fund fee. Take independent advice if you are not sure what level of fee can be justified.
New Fund of Fund launched
New Fund of Fund launched
Fund of Funds