Make sure you understand these terms if you really think you must not miss out on the crypto craze/mania: do you know what they mean? Hard Fork, chain activity, gas fees, burning mechanism, EIP-1559 upgrade, deposit contract address, ledger device, staking contract, (crypto) wallet, proof-of-work vs proof-of-stake technology.
London burning! 100,000 ETH up in smoke after Ethereum upgrade
27 August 2021
Crypto "Currencies" - read this before you invest
4 July 2021
Three Certainties in Life - Tax, Death and Fund Fees
Are you aware of the tremendous impact that fund fees (and fees for Private Banking or Independent Financial Advisers) have on the long-term performance of your Investments?
2 July 2021
How to measure the performance of your Financial Adviser
Most ordinary people - and I include the Rich and SuperRich in this category - are not really trained or qualified to manage their Financial Affairs, let alone their Investments. One would not expect them to as we all lead busy lives with family, work and other - maybe more interesting hobbies than checking on your portfolio every day.
As Financial Advisers handle the Investment affairs of the majority of people it is essential that their performance is checked in a professional and unbiased way.
21 June 2021
What is a 'Leading Wealth Manager?'
HSBC aims to be Asia's leading wealth manager in five years. I tell you what to make of this announcement.